For the most part, each entry into the massive and decade-spanning Final Fantasy franchise has its own unique story and original cast of characters. Most installments have presented their own world for players to explore with specific systems and societies to navigate, while still maintaining the essence of a Final Fantasy title. With over six years since the last mainline entry was released, Final Fantasy 16 is finally on the way, introducing gamers once more to a brand-new world and thrilling adventure.
First announced during Sony's 2020 PlayStation 5 showcase, Final Fantasy 16 commanded the attention of fans with a substantive trailer and look at a medieval fantasy world that seemed to evoke similar settings to previous Final Fantasy games. After this initial glimpse, Square Enix has remained fairly quiet on the upcoming title, but in recent months it has started to ramp up the focus on Final Fantasy 16 once more, with details of the game's story, gameplay, and characters.
Comparing Final Fantasy 16's Clive to Stranger of Paradise's Jack
Final Fantasy 16 is set in Valisthea, a fantasy world full of magic where mountains of crystals – known as Mothercrystals – protect the inhabitants and let them lead prosperous lives. Despite the fairly idyllic nature of the world, several key factions that control the various kingdoms and regions are engaged in a war. These factions include the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, the Kingdom of Waloed, the Dhalmekian Republic, the Iron Kingdom, and the Crystalline Dominion, and their conflict has helped to shape the war-torn lands.
Similar to some previous Final Fantasy games,Final Fantasy 16 will feature summoned monsters, referred to in Valisthea as Eikons. In Final