Final Fantasy 14 is no stranger to devastating, world-threatening events. From Primals rampaging across Eorzea to the Garlean Empire invading foreign lands, the Warrior of Light is always busy saving the world from dangers of all kinds.
Related: Final Fantasy 14: Who Are The Twelve?
However, all of our past adventures and tragedies pale in comparison to the Final Days. The events that bring about the Final Days are nothing short of cataclysmic. To understand the root of what causes this, let's take a look at everything we know about these fateful days.
From this point on, we will be discussing major spoilers for the entirety of Endwalker. Read at your own risk!
The Final Days as they occur in the present time of Endwalker were not actually the first time this event has happened. Looking back to the Amaurot dungeon in Shadowbringers, Emet Selch creates a vision of the first Final Days in which the Amaurotines, or the Ancient Ones who lived in the city, were transformed into monsters as the world around them burned.
To understand the cause of the Final Days, we'll need to go back a bit further in time — when the Ancient Ones ruled the planet. In this period, the world of Etheirys, which we now know as simply Hydaelyn, was inhabited by beings known as the Ancient Ones, the most powerful of which were titled the Convocation of Fourteen. They lived nearly endless lives, and employed powerful creation magic, used to give life to new creatures and even Primals.
In the research facility and testing ground called Elpis worked an Ancient One called Hermes, who centered his work around the search for the meaning of life. To that end, he created a group of beings, the Meteia, led by Meteion, and sent them to the corners of the