The Summoner class in Final Fantasy 14 begins as an Arcanist, and before they become Summoners, their pets are adorable, glittering carbuncles. Carbuncles are often a reason the class is picked by a player in the first place. Few job mechanics include a little buddy obeying your commands like a Pokemon. Not only that, but carbuncles are a Final Fantasy staple. They have appeared in numerous titles with similar designs.
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Once a player becomes a Summoner though, the time of carbuncles is over. Afterward, you summon Egi creatures that resemble Ifrit, Garuda, and Titan. For carbuncle fans though, Square Enix made sure to give them a way to glamour their Egi summons back into carbuncles. There are even sizing options available for certain summons as well!
Updated on March 8, 2022 by Meg Pelliccio: We've updated the information in this guide to ensure you have everything you need to turn your egi summons into cute little carbuncles.
The very first requirement is to have the Summoner class hit level 50 because the ability to glamour an Egi comes from a level 50 side quest called "An Egi By Any Other Name." Make sure to do the "Primal Burdens" level 50 job quest first with Y'mhitra in Old Gridania as well.
Once that is done, the needed quest is given out by Thubyrgeim at the Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:4.7, Y:11.4). The quest is pretty short with only two steps. Now comes the technical stuff.
To glamour the Egi, you must type out /egiglamour "egi name" "glamour".So fill in the "egi name" with any of the following:
Then fill the "glamour" with any of these:
The typing needs to be exact with quotation marks and all. For example, to turn a Garuda into an Emerald