Ben Grimm is one of the most beloved Marvel heroes, but the Eternals don't trust The Thing for a pretty bad reason: He looks like a Deviant in their eyes. In Marvel X #5 by Marvel Comics, it's revealed that Ikaris and the Eternals pass judgment onto the Fantastic Four hero because of his appearance. It confirms Grimm's worst fear that people will assume he's a monster solely based on his transformation and how he looks.
Famously, Ben Grimm was among the Marvel heroes who were transformed during a space mission leading to the creation of the Fantastic Four. While his family and crewmates received powers, as Reed Richards gained stretching powers, Sue Storm could become invisible, and Johnny Storm could engulf his body in flames, Grimm's transformation changed his physical appearance permantely. Instead of his more human appearance, Grimm became The Thing, a powerful rock-like monster. Ben struggled with his new form before eventually learning to live with it. However, the Eternals don't trust The Thing as they believe he looks too much like a Deviant.
Related: Marvel Needs to Kill the Fantastic Four to Save Their Legacy
In Marvel X #5 by Alex Ross, Jim Krueger, Well-Bee, and VC's Cory Petit, an alternate Marvel Comics timeline features a world where nearly everyone on Earth has superpowers. However, Earth's Mightiest Heroes also face mutates as they fight to find a cure. When a group of heroes band together and finally catch up, Ikaris reveals many of the Eternals left Earth. However, after making a condescending remark about the planet needing heroes, human or not, The Fantastic Four's Ben Grimm asks why he's looking at him when he's mentioning non-humans, as Ikaris tells The Thing that he looks like a «Deviant.»