The upcoming movie Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey puts a horror twist on the beloved children’s character. Written and directed by Rhys Frake-Waterfield, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey reimagines a slasher thriller starring A. A. Milne’s characters. The most popular of Milne's characters is the gentle Winnie the Pooh (despite his ban in China). With the original stories lapsing into the public domain, Pooh and Piglet are set to go on a murderous rampage, steering away from their classic tales of charming adventures.
An independent production, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey has attracted attention when stills from the film were released online. The news caused mixed reactions from the public, with some horrified at what Winnie the Pooh has been turned into, noting how things could easily go wrong once a well-known body of work entered the public domain. On the other hand, others expressed genuine interest and curiosity about the bizarre concept, applauding the director’s imagination and creativity.
RELATED: Winnie The Pooh Movie: Voice Cast & Character Guide
In a recent interview, Frake-Waterfield shared how challenging it was to balance the elements of horror and comedy, especially since his film’s characters are already established. After all, compared to the Christopher Robin live-action movie, Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey could simply become an absurd, disrespectful retelling if not done right. With the production beginning in early 2022, filming was completed in just 10 days. However while there is currently little known about Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey, here are updates about its story, cast, and release date.
Every year, thousands of creative works become part of the public domain. Since these