Gamers planning on buying Dying Light 2 Stay Alive will undoubtedly get a large amount of gameplay for their money.
The game is the long-awaited sequel to the 2015 open-world action-adventure game. It promises a much more expansive world, along with the day and night cycle from the first installment and several nuances, chief among them being the long playtime.
Through a tweet from the game’s Twitter account, it was announced that this new game is going to have 500 hours of game time. They claim that this is how long it takes to walk from Warsaw to Madrid (which is actually 534 hours).
For anyone grimacing at how long that sounds, the 500 hours refers to how long it takes to complete the game 100%. That means hearing every conversation, visiting every area, collecting every item, etc.
Completing the main story will be much, much quicker. In fact, the developers later said that finishing the main story will take around 70-80 hours for gamers who “aren’t in a rush”.
Part of the reason this game will take so long to 100% complete is the size of the map. This new title promises to have a big world for players to explore.
Zombie nests active during the day will be empty at night, allowing brave users to sneak in and try to grab some loot.
So far, reactions to the extended gameplay seem mixed. Several gamers feel hard-pressed to find reasons to keep playing any title for 500 hours. There is also a fear that the developers are emphasizing quantity over quality.
On the other hand, many other gamers are excited to put tons of hours into this new game. Some franchise fans had even put over 300 hours into the first game.
Stay Human will officially release on February 4, 2022.