Now instruments will be carried to the moon that will measure moonquakes, the moon's internal temperature, and its electrostatic properties. Draper of Cambridge, Massachusetts has won a NASA contract for the same and will deliver Artemis science investigations to the Moon in 2025. According to the information provided by NASA, the commercial delivery is part of NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) initiative under Artemis. Informing about the same NASA Moon tweeted, “Draper has just won a NASA contract to carry instruments to the Moon that will measure moonquakes, the Moon's internal temperature, and its electrostatic properties. Draper's SERIES-2 lander will venture to Schrödinger Basin near the Moon's South Pole.”
In another tweet, NASA further informed that Schrödinger Basin is an impact crater about 200 miles in diameter that contains evidence of volcanic activity. Visiting the basin will enable the scientists to better understand the moon's surface and interior.
Schrödinger Basin is an impact crater about 200 miles in diameter that contains evidence of volcanic activity. Visiting the basin will enable our scientists to better understand the Moon's surface and interior.Video of Schrödinger made with Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data.
It can be known that Draper will receive USD 73 million for the contract, and is responsible for end-to-end delivery services, including payload integration, delivery from Earth to the surface of the Moon, and payload operations. This award is the eighth surface delivery task award issued to a CLPS vendor.
Schrödinger Basin is one of the youngest impact basins on the lunar surface whose impact uplifted deep crust and upper mantle of the Moon in its peak