Even though players have only experienced one Blight in the Dragon Age series,the darkspawn, the Archdemons, and the Blights have had a huge part to play in every single Dragon Age game. They're undoubtedly a staple of the franchise and a lot of lore (even some seemingly unrelated lore) revolves around them.
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There's a lot of information wrapped up in these huge historical moments. In this article, we're diving into the what, where, when, why, who, and how of the Blights so that you'll be prepared for whatever Dragon Age 4 has in store for us.
A 'Blight' is a period of time when darkspawn leave the Deep Roads in significant numbers and attack the surface, led by an Archdemon.
Darkspawn are zombie-like creatures who are thought to be 'soulless.' There are a lot of different kinds of darkspawn, but they all live underground in the Deep Roads. While stragglers may be found above-ground on occasion, they only come to the surface in significant numbers (and purposefully) during a Blight.
Darkspawn carry a disease called 'the taint', which they can spread to others. Most people (whether human, elves, qunari, dwarves, etc.) who contract the taint will die shortly after, though there are ways their life can be prolonged. (You can count on one hand the number of instances that the taint in a person has been cured.) However, a few of them will become ghouls. Ghouls can go on to live for years after contracting the taint, but they slowly become insane and join the darkspawn horde. Female ghouls can become something special: broodmothers. These broodmothers produce more darkspawn, thus increasing and continuing the population. Since darkspawn can't
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