The second season of Spring 2021 romantic comedy series Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san! (Don't Tease Me, Nagatoro-san!), initially announced during Japan Expo in August, has finally received its first trailer. The official Twitter account re-announced the exciting information on Monday, with a fresh preview trailer shared to the King Amusement Creative official YouTube channel.
The second season, titled, Don't Tease Me, Nagatoro-san! Second Attack has been slated for a Winter release, with January 2023 being the expected start of the new series' broadcast.
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The trailer features important cast and production information for the upcoming series. The titular character, introduced in the trailer as the «sadistic underclassman», Hayase Nagatoro, will be voiced by Sumire Uesaka (Lum Invader, Urusei Yatsura 2022), who is reprising her role from the first season. Nagatoro's favorite victim, Naoto Hachiouji, better known simply as «Senpai», will again be voiced Daiki Yamashita (Izuku Midoriya, My Hero Academia).
For those who don't know, Don't Tease Me, Nagatoro-san! is a comedy romance about an introverted and wimpy high school sophomore named Naoto Hachiouji, who is one day unfortunate enough to catch the attention of a freshman Hayase Nagatoro, who ends up becoming his bully. She teases him about his interests, sometimes making sexually suggestive statements just to see him get flustered, and she even makes him cry on their first meeting.
However, as time draws on, Nagatoro and her «Senpai» develop a strange relatioship that could almost be called a friendship – but her teasing never stops. As Nagatoro and Senpai get closer, he meets her friends who also get into the habit