A reader is concerned about the ongoing energy and cost of living crisis but admits there may be other reasons for selling his console.
Every time I turn the television on, or glance at a news site, things seem to get worse. First it was just the energy crisis, then it was the pound against the dollar, and now it’s the mini-budget that is going to make everything even worse. I’m not a rich man but I wouldn’t previously have said I was poor either. And yet over the last few months I have really begun to worry about my financial position and what exactly I’m spending my money on.
I’m sure I’m not alone in this. Families all across the country, and the world, are in the same position and forced to deal with not only the situation as it is but politicians doing nothing or actively making things worse. The only attempts to help are patronising websites telling you not to have the heating on as much or take quicker showers, as if that’s going to make up the difference.
Clearly not any one thing will, but I’ve tried to think of savings everywhere that I can and so I came to the decision to sell my PlayStation 5. Not really because of the energy costs, although that is a factor, but simply because buying the games costs too much money (and I can probably get quite a bit for selling the console).
I will admit though, that this was not a decision entirely due to the cost of living crisis. That’s the reason I decided to do it but once I started thinking about the decision I realised that it was easier than I expected and that, really, I’d begun to fall out of love with video games. I don’t know that I would’ve sold the PlayStation 5 without this as the catalyst but now it’s happened I feel almost… relieved?
I first began to realise
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