In an official Blizzard forum post, Community Manager PezRadar announced that Diablo II: Resurrected's PTR will go down on February 9 so that the developers can prepare its «next iteration». This post follows up on a statement given earlier last week that unveiled details regarding Blizzard's plans going forward with the first iteration of Diablo II: Resurrected's Public Test Realm.
Players were expected to test the new balance changes introduced on February 3 for more or less than a week. After that, Blizzard has planned to implement an extended PTR phase that will simulate the ladder launch experience.Patch 2.4 Balance PTR UpdatedPatch 2.4 Changes Guides — Classes, Items, Mercenaries
Hi all - We plan on taking down the Diablo II: Resurrected PTR this coming Wednesday (2/9) at 10:30am PT.This doesn’t mean PTR is over but we expect PTR to be offline for a week or so while we prep the next iteration and include ladder on the next launch of PTR for testing. Along with ladder we expect additional balance changes.
Once we have the timing/date and details of those changes, we will be posting those and informing the community. Thanks again!.