Salvage is the six-person activity in Destiny 2 Season 21, Season of the Deep, and it follows the formula set down by previous seasonal iterations. You’ll complete five tasks, then fight a boss to unlock a standard loot chest and a Salvage chest. This guide will cover how to complete each section of Salvage, so you and your fireteam can farm it as efficiently as possible.
How to Complete Salvage in Destiny 2: Season of the DeepSalvage is split across five steps. There will be a progress bar beneath each objective showing how close you are to progressing to the next step, and each objective requires a different set of tasks to complete correctly.
There’s also a countdown timer called Xivu Arath’s Attention that, when it reaches zero, sends you straight to the end boss, and you can expect fewer rewards as a result.
Salvage Activity Objective 1: Begin the Salvage OperationAll you need to do in Salvage Activity Objective 1 is clear the enemies in the area and hit the button on the large machine on the right side of the laser turnstiles. Once activated, you can proceed through the doorway at the room’s far end. Sadly, you can’t go through the multicolored crystal to the right of the device, which, despite my best efforts, would not move.
If you’re on the Rig version of the activity, you’ll head to the central section of the starting area and activate a similar device.
Salvage Activity Objective 2: Site ReliabilityIn Salvage Activity Objective 2, you need to repair a set of six terminals using six oversized tools. The first two tools are trapped in blocks of Hive chitin. Both will be marked on your HEAD with a white and grey diamond.
The remaining tools will come from enemies that spawn in the area at the far end of the