With the release of The Witch Queen expansion, Bungie aimed at changing several existing mechanics in Destiny 2, including how Light subclasses work. This was heralded by the Void 3.0 update, which reworked Void subclasses to be more in line with the Aspects and Fragments system from Beyond Light's Stasis, offering multiple combinations for players to check out. This process will also involve Destiny 2's Arc 3.0 and Solar 3.0 updates later this year, and next season there is going to be an Iron Banner overhaul too.
Similar to what is going to happen with Lord Saladin's Iron Banner tokens being removed, Bungie has been reworking vendor systems to make them more akin to the core playlist NPCs, such as the Drifter or Zavala. With The Witch Queen, it was the turn of Banshee-44, the Tower's Gunsmith, for whose rank-up players needed to turn in Gunsmith Materials prior to the change. Unfortunately, the current rank-up system is not pleasing players because of how much time and effort is required of them to obtain even a single rank.
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A Reddit user by the name of Prophecy_X3 shared a post on the platform highlighting how ridiculous it is to have reached almost rank 300 in Season of the Risen and to still have to complete a single rank reset at Banshee-44's. Other users have pointed out that this is not too surprising, given that dismantling Rare items (Destiny 2's famous Blue drops) provides a single Gunsmith point, whereas dismantling a Legendary or Exotic item provides three. Considering a full rank reset requires ten thousand points, the current rate is abysmal even for those who play daily.
In fact, a Redditor called eggfacemcticklesnort calculated that
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