Tasque Manager is an enemy in Deltarune Chapter 2 that players will encounter as they make their way through Queen’s Mansion. Eventually, fans will find this foe in the Mansion’s portrait room, and she will ask for assistance arranging the paintings. Tasque Manager does have a very particular plan for the placement of these pictures, though, and this guide details what happens when Deltarune players match her ideas perfectly.
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Updated September 19, 2022, by Kirkland Fortner: Previously, we mentioned that successfully answering Tasque Manager's questions is not an all-or-nothing proposition. There is indeed a way to receive partial credit for this «Tasque». However, it depends on the player answering in an exact manner. We are now including the process required to receive this partial credit. Additionally, we are including the extra dialogue that the player will see upon partial completion and the reason why Tasque Manager's reaction is so clever.
To get right to it, players will find themselves in battle with Tasque Manager regardless of how they answer her painting-related questions. However, fans who provide the correct responses will start the fight with her Mercy gauge at 100%. This will allow players to spare this Deltarune enemy in the very first round of combat, which is sure to be of interest to those that prefer pacifism.
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To note, Deltarune players will get credit for answering some, but not all, of Tasque Manager’s painting questions correctly. Indeed, the foe’s Mercy gauge will be set to a certain percentage at the start of the fight based on the number of right answers, with more of
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