Contra: Operation Galuga is due to be released at some point in early 2024, and now a new trailer has been released showcasing the character roster. Bill Rizer, Lance Bean, Lucia, Ariana, Stanley Ironside, and Probotector will be the six playable characters to choose from, each bringing their own style of play to the fight. More details about each character after the trailer.
Contra: Operation Galuga will feature a story mode, arcade mode, and challenge mode. The challenge mode will have 30 different missions each with their own rules. Some will have time limits while others will limit the amount of ammo you can use. There will be a perk shop in the game too where, using in game credits, you can get perks like having certain weapons at the beginning of a stage or improving stats of the characters. There will also be co-op for up to four players.
Contra: Operation Galuga is set to be released for PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Switch.
Source: Press Release