Custom religions in Civilization 6 are the perfect way to inject personality into your expansive, global empires. You get your Great Prophet, you choose your beliefs, and then it comes to picking a symbol and a name. Personally, I’m a pretty humourless Civ player. I like a straight-faced, realistic strategy game as closely modelled on real life as possible. But the Civ 6 fan community is vibrant and varied – and, as it turns out, pretty bad at giving serious names to religions.
“PDF,” says one Civ 6 fan, naming their religion after the infamously fussy file format, specifically for the sake of long-form joke – when rival cities and civilisations finally embrace the faith, they can giggle at the pop-up “Washington has converted to PDF”. Another player goes the trendy, camp counsellor way by trying to blend religion with rock music, saying “I use ‘Blue Oyster Cult’ exclusively. When I make rock bands [a unit in the game] I name them after BOC songs”.
It’s all down to taste. Personally, I’ve always been a sourpuss when it comes to gaming, preferring to play alone, engrossed in the premise and the spectacle, imagining I am the character in order to maximise the drama of it all. Since he always talks about avoiding the police and keeping his head down, as Niko Bellic in GTA 4, I always try to avoid hurting pedestrians or stealing cars. When I play Metal Gear Solid, it annoys me if I get seen by a guard, since I’m supposed to be Solid Snake, the world’s greatest secret agent.
Similarly, then, I use religion in Civ 6 as a means of characterising and defining my personal empire. My names are normally a bit bland – taking inspiration from my mother-in-law’s cat, and going for a kind of ancient Egyptian thing, I often go for