The Quarry is the latest in a long line of interactive storytelling experiences inspired by the success of Until Dawn. The game features intense horror and decision-making gameplay that requires a sharp eye to keep all the characters alive and well.
Conversely, players could also choose not to keep their playable campers healthy. Werewolves abound at Hackett's Quarry, and characters can be turned under the right circumstances. Players may have noticed the Blood Pact achievement, which requires infecting every character. After the first couple of runs, it may not seem possible, but it is.
Yes, a single run in The Quarry can see all nine camp counselors become lycanthropes. This requires some intentional decisions and a few deliberately failed quick-time events, but it can be done with the right plan.
To get a player infected, they simply have to get bitten by a werewolf. This will be considerably easier for some of the counselors than it will be for others.
Laura and Max get infected as part of The Quarry's story, so that's two out of nine checked off the list right away. These two counselors will be the easiest part of the challenge.
Abi will be forced to run from a werewolf during Chapter 3, prompting a tense QTE sequence. Simply fail each QTE and fall prey to the werewolf. She'll get bitten and survive.
Emma can be infected in Chapter 4 or Chapter 6. For the former, when chased back to the cabin by a werewolf, choose to block the door rather than going to the trap door. Fail every QTE and Emma will be bitten.
Emma can also leave the fireworks in the safe in Chapter 2 and not pick them up from the fire pit in Chapter 6. Without fireworks, she will be bitten while running from the werewolf in Chapter 6.
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