Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is the sequel to Naruto, set in an era of peace where Naruto Uzumaki is the Seventh Hokage of Konoha. Over the years, the story has introduced quite a few new characters, both good and bad. With the introduction of Kara, fans got to witness some of the most fascinating villains with tremendous power the likes of which have never been seen before.
Characters such as Delta, Code, and the all-powerful Jigen have made quite an impression on fans over time, with their Otsutsuki connections and the scientific technology, however, none of them have an aura of mystery about them like Kashin Koji. It is safe to assume that Kashin Koji has been one of the most enigmatic characters in Boruto so far.
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Introduced in the 13th chapter of Boruto, Kashin Koji appeared as an Inner member of Kara, along with every other member of the group. Just like all the Inners, it is a given that Kashin Koji is scientifically modified. It's no surprise that Koji possesses superhuman strength, however, he isn't popular among the fans for his strength.
Under the leadership of Jigen, it seemed as if Koji was just another villain at first, however, his questionable side was shown to the fans soon enough when he attacked one of their own members, Victor, and ended up killing him with rather ease. Koji was then asked to retrieve the vessel that the Kara had lost, however, once again, there were massive question marks over his loyalties to Jigen when he chose not to complete the task.
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Even when he had the chance to kill his Konoha enemies, Koji chose not to do so, while he had no qualms about killing his own, such as