Just one weekend removed from the release of Dragon's Dogma 2, Capcom has confirmed that it's working on a slew of improvements, which will be coming to the game via free updates. A lot of this stuff seems to be in direct response to player feedback, and includes overall adjustments, additional options, and performance enhancements.
Here's the full list of planned updates:
Updates for All Platforms
Updates for PS5
*These options will not affect the frame rate significantly. Frame rate improvements are planned for future updates.
It all sounds pretty good, doesn't it? Hopefully Capcom can start wheeling these patches out soon. If it really is able to improve the game's overall performance — and it continues to address more specific criticisms — then we're onto something truly special.
Are you happy to see these updates being worked on? Return to your dragon hunt in the comments section below.
Robert (or Rob if you're lazy) has been a fan of PlayStation since the 90s, when Tekken 2 introduced him to the incredible world of video games. He still takes his fighting games seriously, but RPGs are his true passion. The Witcher, Dragon Quest, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, he's played 'em all — a little too much, some might say.
Turning off ray tracing won't affect framerate?Ray tracing is a ridiculous gpu,cpu and memory hog so you would really hope removing it would get you to 60fps or nearer at least
@ROTTIEMAN16 I agree, it should definitely help, it's just that Capcom says it won't be a «significant» improvement.
But from what I understand, a lot of DD2's frame rate issues are down to (rather poorly optimised) CPU usage when it comes to NPCs, especially in cities / towns. I assume that's where the devs will start when it comes to noticeably improving the frame rate.
Launch broken, fix later. 10/10.
@ROTTIEMAN16 I think they mean the improvement won’t be significant. Dragons dogma 2 isn’t using full path tracing. I’m playing on pc and disabling raytracing improves frame
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