Prominent League of Legends streamer Simon "Thebausffs'" recent "challenger-level" play went viral on the r/LivestreamFail subreddit.
While playing Sion in the top lane, Thebausffs emphasized why players need to know where the opposing team's jungler is at any given time. After correctly predicting that the enemy jungler would gank his lane, Simon proudly said:
However, the Swedish content creator ended up getting killed as the 2v1 brawl favored the enemy team.
The 23-second long clip was posted on r/LivestreamFail, and the conversation thread attracted more than 31 replies. Reddit user u/SPeCCoLT's response was well-liked by numerous community members, and it read:
Simon is a high-ranking top laner known for playing the MOBA in unique ways. He came up with the infamous Sion build, which focused on "strategically dying" to obtain various objectives in-game.
At the 31-minute mark of his September 7 livestream, Simon picked up Sion once again and squared off against Akshan in the top lane.
As he was freezing the minion wave, the streamer noticed the enemy Rek'Sai was camping in a nearby brush. He instantly called out the opposing jungler and exclaimed:
Timestamp: 00:30:41
Thebausffs claimed that his observational skills were what propelled him to the Challenger tier. After boasting about his prowess, he attempted a 2v1 duel and lost.
He mentioned that he engaged in a less favorable fight because he believed his team's support would teleport and assist him:
Thebausffs' team lost the game after 34 minutes.
Members of the streaming community provided a wide variety of responses. A Reddit user claimed that the content creator has been unable to achieve the Challenger rank for over six months:
Another Redditor expressed doubts about