When Attack on Titan season one was released in 2013, the anime world was introduced to a new kind of horror. Giant humanoid beings found purpose in devouring humans. Unlike other predators who hunt and eat to survive, Titans eat humans only to regurgitate the bodies. So, why do Titans eat humans if it isn't for fuel?
During the first season of Attack on Titan, the recruits learn about the Titans. Everything from their anatomy, weaknesses, and reasons why the Titans eat humans. Humanity had no idea why Titans felt the need to eat humans at this point in the anime. Some speculated that it was because they hated humanity. Except this isn't true; after learning the truth from Grisha Jeager's basement, the reality of Titans was revealed.
Related: Attack on Titan: What is the Rumbling?Warning: This contains spoilers for the Attack on TItan Anime & Manga
The first-ever Titan was Ymir Fritz, a young slave to the Eldian King. While being hunted down, she stumbled upon a power that allowed her to transform into a titan. Following her death, nine Titan shifters emerged; these people could control the transformation, but what would happen to those given the spinal fluid of a Titan? Mindless creatures, Pure Titans, are humans who have been injected with Titan spinal fluid.
These people have no control; Ymir, named after Ymir Fritz, was transformed into a Titan by the Marleyains. She described her time as a Titan like a nightmare that she couldn't wake up from. All she knew was that if she could devour a Titan shifter, she would turn back and inherit that shifter's power. That would mean all the Pure Titans that the soldiers fought and killed were humans trapped. They cannibalized humans so that they could be free of their never-ending
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