We are all guilty of the bad habit of keeping passwords to various online accounts too simple in order to remember them. From birthdays, lover’s name, pets to even horoscope star signs. However, these are very dangerous passwords as they are very weak and hackers can crack them in a few seconds. If you are an Astrology enthusiast and you create your passwords on basis of your Zodiac sign, it will be very easy to guess. Is your password Gemini? Is the password Aries? Or maybe the password is Scorpio or Capricorn? Just how difficult can it be for a hacker to guess and steal not only your personal information but also your money! So as far as Astro tips go, do not keep a password that is easy to guess. Read on to find out how to make passwords strong. We have shared some tips to make your passwords strong and unique based on a report by Dojo tech. Check out the really important Astrology tips linked to your password creating habits below.
A recent report analyzed UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) data “on over 100,000 breached passwords” to categorize the most vulnerable passwords that a person can take. Out of 30, horoscope star signs made it to the 20th position in the list with over 204 incidents of hacking. That means 204 people with the password Gemini, Aries, Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn were hacked in just the UK. And these are not just social media accounts that were hacked. Any account can be hacked from your personal and professional email, bank accounts and even accounts with access to government portals.
From Gemini to ‘iloveyou’, the list of weak passwords are endless. However, there are some passwords which are weaker than others. Yes, even worse than horoscope based passwords! In fact, these passwords
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