Assassin's Creed Valhalla has had a multitude of updates since its launch in late 2020, with new social events and activities such as the Ostara Festival, along with massive DLC adventures like Dawn Of Ragnarok that fundamentally change the game, though its new Armory feature may be the one that brings players back. Even two years later, Ubisoft is still updating the game with more events, items, and structures to continue expanding Eivor's arsenal and to continue supporting the community. Although Ubisoft has set the rest of the franchise aside and is most likely hard at work on the next Assassin's Creed game, which could actually be a sequel to Assassin's Creed Valhalla, multiple new content drops are planned for May, with one of them being something that players can really benefit from.
One of the biggest features in the last few Assassin's Creed games has been a complex and expansive armor and weapons system, which makes inventory management a hassle in the late-game. Having to keep track of armor sets and rare weapons can be a struggle when there are hundreds of items buried throughout the player's inventory, and Ubisoft seems to have been thinking about this problem. In Origins and Odyssey, there was no easy way to go through the inventory and sort out what to keep and what to sell or dismantle, but coming next month to Assassin's Creed Valhalla, there is now a convenient solution thanks to the Armory update.
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After February's Assassin's Creed Valhalla update adding combat difficulty adjustments, next month's update will add an Armory and be located within Eivor's settlement, Ravensthorpe, to be accessed by the player. Within this armory are five loadout