Aloy is armed in Horizon Forbidden West with ultimate abilities called Valor Surges. These abilities, once equipped, allow her to build up a charge of Valor and unleash a powerful attack or ability that will help her level the field in battle.
This guide covers all the Valor Surges in Horizon Forbidden West and the levels you can unlock for them.
Warrior Valor Surges and levels Critical Boost: This Valor Surge is powered by a special mode in Aloy’s Focus, granting her a greater chance of landing critical hits and increasing critical damage when those hits land.Level 1: +35% critical hit chance, +10% critical hit damage, +75% critical strike damage.Level 2: +45% critical hit chance, +25% critical hit damage, +100% critical strike damage, +5% weapon technique extra critical chance.Level 3: +55% critical hit chance, +50% critical hit damage, +150% critical strike damage, +15% weapon technique extra critical chance.Melee Might: Aloy attaches a power module to her spear to deal additional damage with melee attacks for a short period of time. Level 1: +100% melee damage.Level 2: +200% melee damage, +50% spear energy buildup.Level 3: +300% melee damage, unlimited spear energy, power attacks knock down your targets.Trapper Valor Surges and levels Elemental Fury: Aloy’s resolve is bolstered, allowing her to increase the buildup and effects of elemental attacks, gainng a greater resistance to elemental attacks simultaneousy.