The world of Pokemon is a vast and mysterious place. Every corner is filled with magical creatures, and every human settlement is dotted with rumors and local legends. Many of these locations have vastly different environments, enabling them to support a massive variety of Pokemon. Climates are so different between the various islands and nations of the Pokemon world, that a species brought to a different region may radically shift in abilities to adapt. The full scope of this world is not clear, and will probably never be fully defined, but it grows with every new entry.
At this point, the number of regions, islands, and other areas in the Pokemon world have grown to a staggering number. The settings of the mainline games are one thing, but there are plenty of other places found in the Pokemon spin-offs. New titles tend not to take place in the same region as others unless they are remakes, so a new location is featured in almost every game. While these may not all introduce new Pokemon, they can still offer unique looks at Pokemon’s universe.
Every Pokemon Region So Far, Ranked
Normally, Pokemon games have a rigid structure behind their regions. They all introduce a Pokemon League or equivalent challenge, a series of locations needed to progress that challenge, and a number of different environments found along the way to house different species of Pokemon. Legendary creatures are tucked away in various corners of the map, and players will need to gain field moves or Ride Pokemon to open more places up for exploration. Many of these places are island nations, though they are large enough that islands with extra content near them are still referred to as such. The core Pokemon games’ areas are:
Many of these places sport