A Couple of Cuckoos is an adaptation of a Romantic Comedy manga by the same name, written by Miki Yoshikawa. The author herself is no stranger to this genre, after all, her past works such as Yankee-kun to Megane-chan and Yamada and The Seven Witches are some of the biggest Rom-com titles of their time.
Since A Couple of Cuckoos is a new adaptation of Yoshikawa's latest major work, there is a lot of hype behind it. Let's see whether this first episode manages to live up to the fans' huge expectations or not.
Spring 2022 Preview: A Couple of Cuckoos
The story of A Couple of Cuckoos is about Nagi Umeno. Apparently, he was switched at birth, and now that he is a high school sophomore, his biological parents wish to meet him. On the way to the meeting place, Nagi meets a cheeky girl named Erika Amano. Her parents want her to marry someone she has never met before.
So Erika decides to ask Nagi to pretend to be her boyfriend in the hope of changing her parents' minds. Although reluctantly, Nagi finally agrees to help Erika. Unbeknownst to them, they are actually the switched children and both of their parents have decided that the best course of action for both families is if they are simply married to each other.
The premise of switching at birth is nothing new in fictional stories. As a matter of fact, it is actually one of the easiest premises to use in order to explore all sorts of tension and drama throughout the story. Because there are tons of ways to develop this premise into whatever the author wants it to be. It can be a tragic drama as easily as it is to develop into a romantic comedy.
That being said, the approach that Yoshikawa Miki took to the story is actually quite interesting. Because rather than make it a drama
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