The all-time popular anime adventure series about pirates, One Piece, will return on January 13, 2023, as a brand-new turn-based JRPG game. Developed by Tokyo headquartered Japanese studio ILCA, the upcoming entry of the One Piece franchise titled One Piece Odyssey will feature a turn-based combat system, where players’ team of allies will get to face off against a group of enemy pirates. Beyond turn-based party combat, players can activate specific, powerful skills that will act as special abilities.
While we’re all eagerly waiting for the launch of One Piece Odyssey on January 13, here’s a quick list of some of the best turn-based JRPG games ever made, which can be tried in the meantime to get you into the groove of things.
Note: This article reflects the writer’s personal views.
With enhanced graphic art and tons of added in-game content, Final Fantasy 10’s HD Remastered version also has one of the smoothest and most in-depth turn-based battle systems in the franchise’s history.
Final Fantasy 10 Remastered allows players to transition into other playable characters smoothly. The JRPG game’s intricate combos and movements are a treat to execute and watch, making it a title worth giving another re-visit if you’ve played before. For those looking to get the hang of One Piece Odyssey as soon as it gets launched, then trying out any Final Fantasy title with a turn-based battle system like the Final Fantasy 10 HD Remaster would be a great idea.
Earthbound is a cult classic JRPG game and probably the most arduous JRPG adventure to complete on this list. On Earthbound, players take on the role of a small boy called Ness. This JRPG game is about his adventure to fight off the evil that has visited Earth from outer space.