The Harry Potter franchise has enchanted fans all over the world with its magical universe filled with the most bizarre creatures. Millions of fans have imagined Hogwarts' hallways teeming with magical students, ghosts, talking portraits, and magic professors, and fans will be able to do it once more with Hogwarts Legacy. Developed by Avalanche Software, Hogwarts Legacy takes place hundreds of years before the birth of Harry and his friends, and it will have players attending Hogwarts in their fifth year, which will be one filled with plenty of unexpected adventures.
Gamers have already gotten to see a lot of the upcoming game, including a few of the magical creatures, and they even had a peek at the common rooms of the different Hogwarts houses. Hogwarts Legacy is a massive game, which is why there are still many questions surrounding the game. Some of them are integral to the game's plot, and Avalanche Software will likely want gamers to uncover the answers themselves through gameplay.
Hogwarts Legacy Cutting Quidditch Would be Sad, But it Makes Sense
Although players will have a lot of fun exploring Hogwarts castle, making friends with fellow witches and wizards and learning how to harness the power of magic, many dangers also await them. Gamers familiar with the Harry Potter franchise will know this, as even an evening stroll through the Forbidden Forest can be a bloody event. It has been revealed that in Hogwarts Legacy, players will also encounter a Goblin Rebellion. While such rebellions have been discussed in the series before, this may be an opportunity for fans to uncover more about the details of the movement.
Throughout the history of the Wizarding World, Goblins have occasionally risen up and formed a movement