Patch 31.0.3 is rolling out today with the following updates:
Dev Comments: The goal of this patch is to focus on The Great Dark Beyond. The power level of new decks and archetypes is lower than we intended it to be, and older archetypes are more dominant than we’d like. To make new decks and cards stand out more, we’re weakening a number of cards (mostly from older sets) and strengthening others (all from The Great Dark Beyond).
Our long-term ambition is for the overall power level of the game to be closer to The Great Dark Beyond than the power level of the sets before it, but we think some buffs are warranted and needed to hit our immediate goal encouraging exploration in The Great Dark Beyond. Between balancing our immediate and long-term goals, plus the sheer number of changes in this patch, we expect there will be some level of follow-up adjustments that we plan to work on in the next balance patch window after we see how these changes affect the meta (coming before Winter break).
In deciding which cards to bring down in power, we looked at three major categories: 1) overly powerful cards/archetypes from older expansions; 2) cards that led to frustrating experiences, even if not overly powerful; and 3) cards that were overly hostile to new expansion cards and mechanics, like Starships.
Reno, Lone Ranger
Seabreeze Chalice
Conniving Conman
Sea Shill
Sleep Under the Stars
Everything Must Go
Malted Magma
Wave of Nostalgia
Threads of Despair
Reska, the Pit Boss
Funnel Cake
Mystery Egg
Order in the Court
The above cards, plus disenchantable copies of Master’s Call—more on that in the Bug Fixes and Game Improvements section—will be eligible for full dust refunds for two weeks following Patch 31.0.3.
Dev Comment: When we looked at The Great Dark Beyond data, we found some cards with room for buffs. So, we’ve made adjustments across a wide range of new cards, with an emphasis on promoting the expansion’s marquee archetypes.
Dirdra, Rebel Captain