There are some truly spectacular ways to get around when it comes to vehicles in Final Fantasy. Some are only available for one or two moments in an entire game but are still memorable and deserve discussion.
Since the topic is vehicles, it isn’t just airships, though several will be making the cut. Sometimes, a party of heroes rides around on chocobos, cars, or even entire cities. That’s one of the brilliant things about Final Fantasy as a franchise. There is no defined way to get around, and they always fit the game’s setting.
Since the first Final Fantasy game, there has always been some vehicle the heroes can use to be mobile. The heroes get several temporary rides before one final, perfect vehicle in most games.
From starships to adorable birds, here are the ten best vehicles in this legendary franchise.
With so many vehicles to choose from, it’s tough to pick just five or ten. There are criteria, and in this case, all these vehicles are available in the standard, the original release of these mainline games.
The criteria are simple but also complicated.
Unfortunately, since this is mainline Final Fantasy games only, the Final Fantasy XIV mounts/vehicles will not make this list. There are too many of those who will take up their own list.
The Airship, powered by the Levistone, was the Airship of the Sky Warriors hundreds of years ago. Buried under the desert, the heroes uncover it after spending time with a pirate ship and a canoe.
It has a memorable theme to go along with and makes getting around the world easier than ever. It can only land in grassy fields, but the party encounters no combat while onboard the Airship. It’s the granddaddy of all airships in the franchise.
Faris, one of the heroes of Final Fantasy V, saw