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Sea Of Thieves And Banjo-Kazooie Developer Drops New Screenshot For Upcoming Game After 3-Year Silence

After a three-year silence, Rare has just shared a new screenshot for its upcoming title, . Rare is the team behind classics like,, and, more recently, the popular pirate action adventure title,.

is a project that the dev team had reportedly been working on since 2019, but the company has been strangely quiet about their progress, making no official updates in years and raising questions about the game's future.

Just in time for the holidays, Rare has dropped a new screenshot of, making it clear to all that the game is still in active development.

The screenshot was shared on the official Rare Ltd. X account, showing a character and a deer-like animal looking up at a twinkling, lit-up tree surrounded by an ethereal sky.

The screenshot is framed by the same character and animal, with their faces turned away from the viewer. Beneath the image are the words "" The new image for is not given with any context from Rare, or any further information about the state of the game or its stage in development. The message that accompanies the image is a simple holiday greeting, with some signature Rare humor thrown into the mix: Happy holidays, whoever's seeing this!

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