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Today's Wordle answer for Friday, December 27

Whether you feel you need all the Wordle help you can get this Friday or you'd just like to take a quick look at a few tips, we've got everything you need right here.

Not sure what you're after, but could definitely use a hand? Our clue for the December 27 (1287) game will probably sort you out, and if it doesn't then today's answer's ready to go.

The yellow letters I found early on were a stubborn bunch, refusing to turn green no matter where I tried to place them. I ended up having to stop for a bit of a breather, giving myself the chance to look at it with fresh eyes.

I'd like to pretend it all fell into place after that, but in truth I just had to fight some more until I finally got it right.

What would you call the seeds found in rice, wheat, and barley? There you go. No, there is no double letter in today's puzzle.

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