The long-anticipated third enemy faction in has finally been introduced in the form of The Illuminate, mystic alien sorcerers from deep space that can be difficult to defeat.
Sporting advanced technology different from the Automatons, The Illuminate take a defensive approach to their hordes. With powerful shields and enemy hordes, this alliance can be unstoppable if you don't know their weaknesses.
Alongside The Illuminate update comes a huge buff patch in that makes a lot of equipment much stronger. From extra weapon magazines to most weapons to Strategem changes that boost damage values, everything you can use has more power than ever before.
This will give you a wide arsenal of gear to use against The Illuminate as you experience battles in new missions on planets they control.
Overall, there are fewer Illuminate enemy types compared to the bugs and robots of other factions. Unlike the Automatons, The Illuminate does not have advanced units that have specific functions.