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Animal Crossing’s Most Underappreciated Game Deserves A Switch 2 Release


has become one of Nintendo's most beloved franchises thanks, in large part, to its cozy atmosphere, adorable villagers, and compelling gameplay loop.

However, not every game in the series is as fondly remembered nor as commercially successful, with particular entries ending up being flops comparatively.

The majority of these unsuccessful games failed because of poor gameplay or for being uninteresting spin-offs. However, one of them was a genuinely good experience, one that has a small following but is largely left an underrated classic deserving of more love.

Fortunately, the perfect opportunity for it to make a return is looming on the horizon, as it could come back as a first-party Switch 2 game, at least with a discount.

While it may have failed the first time around, the Nintendo Switch 2 could end up being the best platform for it and see it finally get the recognition it deserves.

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