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Killer strategy boardgame Root's new Steam expansion has made me aware that Root exists as a PC game

I have an on-and-off-again relationship with boardgaming based mostly on the fact that I have nobody to play boardgames with.

I used to be part of a boardgaming circle, but then I missed a fateful opening round of Twilight Imperium, and then the pandemic started, and then everybody lost patience with Tabletop Game Simulator.

As such, I've been unwilling to invest in new boardgames, and unable to play one particular awesome-sounding creation, Root, an asymmetrical strategy affair in which different factions of animals vie for control (mostly) of a storybook forest.

Good news, me: I've just learned that Dire Wolf adapted it into a PC game a whole four years ago. I know this because somebody's just sent me a mail about a new Marauder expansion on Steam.

Root, as I understand it, is excellent because the factions are effectively playing different games side by side. You've got the birds, who used to rule the woods and must keep up a steady momentum of territory capture or else fall into squabbling.

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