The Drytrons are a series of astronomical mecha-dragons inspired by the constellation Draco. Their regular monsters are each named after a different star in Draco, whereas the in-archetype bosses, Drytron Meteonis Draconids and Drytron Meteonis Quadrantids, are Ritual monsters named after meteor showers. Drytron's central gameplay mechanic involves using their Ritual Spell, Meteonis Drytron, to Ritual Summon these and other powerful Ritual monsters by comparing the attack stats of Ritual fodder rather than applying the usual level requirements for Ritual Summoning.
RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Best Drytron Cards
Tributing stars to summon meteor showers may be scientifically questionable, but the mechanic makes for a potent Yu-Gi-Oh! strategy. The abilities to recycle your Ritual Spell, summon pretty much anything you want from your Graveyard, and even use Xyz material as Ritual tributes, allow this deck to pull off dynamic combos and make some of the game's most oppressive end boards.
The level-one Drytron monsters each have the same effect of summoning themselves to the field (from hand or Graveyard) by tributing either a Drytron monster or a Ritual monster from your hand or field. On hitting the field, each monster performs a different secondary effect. For example, Drytron Alpha Thuban summons itself and then searches for a Ritual monster.
Rather than being separate on-summon effects, these 'secondary effects' instead happen during the resolution of the summoning effect - in short, the entire tribute/summon/effect series is a single effect -, which means that your summon effects are susceptible to hand traps. Given that the level-one Drytrons cannot be Normal summoned/set, this means you have to proceed with