The Xenoblade series is renowned for having a large cast of diverse, colorful characters, and the most recent entry, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, is no different. Set against a backdrop of two warring nations, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 puts players in the boots of both Mio and Noah, two members of the rival factions. Over the course of the game, Mio and Noah decide that the fate of the world is larger than the nations they belong to and work together to stop the evil forces that threaten it. Along the way, they run into a variety of characters, some of which will side with the unlikely duo. Xenoblade Chronicles 3's Expansion Pass is set to add yet another warrior to the party.
When Xenoblade Chronicles 3 released back in July of this year, it shipped alongside an Expansion Pass that was set to add four content updates to the game. The first expansion pack landed on July 29, and gave the player a range of helpful accessories and consumable items to help them on the early stages of their adventure. Xenoblade Chronicles 3's next Expansion Pass update is set to drop on October 13, just a few days away. Along with a Challenge Battle Mode, this update also adds an entirely new character to the game, the mechanical Ino.
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Available on October 13, Ino is a brand-new Hero character coming to Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Being designated as a Hero, that would suggest that Ino will be able to recruited as a seventh party member, right alongside Noah, Mio, and the rest of the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 crew. Much like the rest of the recruitable Heroes in the game, it seems likely that players will first need to complete Ino's specific Hero Quest before she's added to the