Not a day goes by where I don’t stumble upon something that convinces me that video games were a mistake. It’s a medium like no other - where small vocal minorities of notable bigots are happy to harass developers, belittle any representation beyond straight white men, and send me death threats on Twitter whenever they disagree with me. They’ve done that a few times with Xenoblade, so this article will go down well.
I wrote about Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and how it does away with its predecessor’s often cringe-inducing fan service for a far more consistent aesthetic. No longer are dramatic moments watered down by the addition of boobs, butts, and jokes. Don’t be mistaken. I adore this game and how unapologetically horny it tends to be, even more so on a platform that is infamously prudish when it comes to anything outside its family friendly image. It’s a great game, but its identity suffered as a consequence of its weird sexualisation.
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Right-wing fans of anime tiddies are convinced that some form of woke agenda is responsible for censoring their underaged anime girls as developers decide to either alter said games or avoid releasing them altogether. Franchises like Xenoblade Chronicles are allegedly being watered down in response to sensitive snowflakes like me decrying their very existence. It’s a load of nonsense, and these people are idiots with nothing better going on in their lives that advocating for imaginary nudity is apparently a worthwhile cause. Please go outside and touch some grass, and stop telling me to kill myself. It’s kinda pathetic.
I enjoy anime girls and boys as much as the next person. Still, there’s a time and a place for