Tokyo Game Show 2022, the annual Japanese gaming convention, will officially start on September 15. It'll be the first TGS open to the public since 2019, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic's start. Fans aren't the only returning party for TGS 2022, as major companies includingXbox are also planning to attend. With the Xbox Series X/S performance in Japan improving, even outselling the PS5 some months, Xbox is planning to make a splash at TGS.
To start, Xbox has officially announced that it's planning a digital broadcast to kick off the Tokyo Game Show. Before confirming the time, it should be clarified that this event isn't focused on western audiences. It's intended for Japan and Asia-based Xbox users. With that in mind, the Xbox TGS presentation will start on September 15 at 2:00 AM PT/5:00 AM ET. The presentation will focus on updates to existing Xbox Game Studios releases as well as upcoming partner projects.
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Making clear that its focus is on Japanese and Asian markets, Xbox confirms that the Tokyo Game Show broadcast won't be shown live on typical Xbox streaming channels for the US or Europe. Instead, it'll be shown on Xbox YouTube channels for Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as the official TGS YouTube channel. It'll also be shown on Bilibili in China, given it's the preferred streaming app in the region.
It's worth reiterating that Xbox is saying it won't have any major first-party game announcements to make during the show, which perhaps betrays that while Japan is a growing Xbox market it's still not a major priority for the company. It will be saving big first-party announcements for other events. Nevertheless, Xbox