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It should come as no surprise that as far as the generations go, millennials watch more TV on their devices than on an actual television set. This is the age group (that being 18 to 34) that was born into the age of smartphones, tablets, and the like. They haven’t known life without them. One has to wonder, however, if all that squinting at small screens is healthy for the eyes, let alone enjoyable to watch. If only they (or any generation, for that matter) could stream what’s on their phone to a larger screen without losing the portability. Thanks to the UPERFECT Monitor, they can.
While the statistics vary depending on which site you research, suffice to say that Americans in general, and boomers and millennials, in particular, spend a lot of time staring at their screen. A good chunk of that time is devoted to entertainment — movies, television shows, social media. According to the Eye Center of Texas, it is predicted that two out of three Americans will experience eye strain caused by excessive phone use. It seems that when we stare at a small screen we blink less, which in turn causes our eyes to dry out. The aforementioned squinting can blur our vision and excessive glare can exacerbate existing problems.
Perhaps it’s time to give the eyes a break. Simply connect your device to the UPERFECT Monitor, and you will be able to watch the content from your phone, your tablet, your laptop, and even some gaming consoles in full HD. Designed with eye-care blue light to help reduce some of that eyestrain and bring some welcome relief to tired eyes, the stunning 1920 x 1080 resolution offers vivid, natural
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