In early 2002, a role-playing game known as Kingdom Hearts was released for the PlayStation 2, earning the curious gaze of many gamers due to just how unexpected it was. It was a game created by Square Enix with the help of Disney, as it featured an original story of a boy named Sora who traversed worlds inhabited by both Final Fantasy characters and familiar Disney faces; from Mickey Mouse, to Jack Skellington of Nightmare Before Christmas. Despite how unorthodox the title was, it proved to be rather successful.
It's been 20 years since the first title was put in the hands of fans worldwide, and the Kingdom Hearts franchise has continued to reach new heights almost constantly. The game has released 13 titles across numerous consoles, and Sora has consistently beaten the odds, resulting in things like his surprise inclusion in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. The series has also become a rather infamous Disney product, with Donald and Goofy even making surprise appearances in their Kingdom Hearts costumes at Disney parks worldwide. It makes one question just what led to Kingdom Hearts' massive popularity.
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Out of the many crossovers the video game world has witnessed, hardly anyone expected Final Fantasy and Mickey Mouse to unite into one grand RPG epic. Those that worked on the series often stated that Kingdom Hearts only come about due to the fact that the two companies shared a building in Japan, more than 20 years ago. It's due to the close proximity that the idea was pitched, and then greenlit shortly after. Considering how the companies treated the project compared to how it is treated now, the experimental nature of it may have been its saving grace for how it began.
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