The most recent Mickey Mouse special released on Disney+, The Wonderful Spring of Mickey Mouse, contains a surprising nod to the Kingdom Hearts franchise just ahead of its 20th anniversary, proving Disney hasn't forgotten the franchise. It's relatively rare for Disney to acknowledge Kingdom Hearts outside of the games, despite the company's ownership of the IP. This made it that much more exciting for fans to spot the cameo in an unrelated Mickey Mouse cartoon. It's a good indication that Disney still remembers Kingdom Hearts, especially in the years following Kingdom Hearts 3's release.
It isn't unusual for Disney to go quite a while without making any significant mention of Kingdom Hearts. The company's official social media accounts make little note of the series, and official Kingdom Hearts merchandise is scarce outside of the Square Enix store. That said, many Kingdom Hearts players have been eagerly awaiting any news regarding the franchise as its 20th anniversary approaches on March 28, especially potential insight regarding its future. There's been more focus going towards Disney as fans search for updates, as a result. The latest mainline Kingdom Hearts title was KH3, released in 2019, and though there have been a few other games released since then, there's been virtually no news as far as Kingdom Hearts 4 is concerned.
Related: Kingdom Hearts: What Day The 20th Anniversary Actually Is
Of course, it's always possible that the next Kingdom Hearts game to be announced will be another spin-off title instead. After all, well over a decade passed between KH2 and Kingdom Hearts 3, though several other games and re-releases came out in that time frame. Either way, it's unlikely that the anniversary will pass without