There are numerous relics to find throughout your time exploring Ghostwire: Tokyo. While these relics might not seem helpful to you during your adventure, they are treasured by the Nekomata you encounter throughout the city. Certain vendors will request you bring them relics that you can exchange for a reward. Here’s what you need to know about where to find the Kokeshi Relic in Ghostwire: Tokyo.
You can find this relic reasonably early on in your playthrough. You might even miss it while attempting to make your way through the story. The Kokeshi Relic is right next to the hospital that Akito leaves shortly after finding his sister following his accident. Instead of following the main path into the city, you’ll want to take a right. You’ll find a wall blocking your way, but you don’t want to stray too far away from where you’re supposed to be going.
To the right of you, at the building entrance, you’ll find a white truck with several boxes in the back. Approach the truck, and you’ll find the Kokeshi Relic at the top of one of the bottom boxes. Grab it, and you’ll be able to submit it to the Handicraft Nekomata, right next to the Shiroyama Shrine, directly south of your current position.