Among the many Apex Zombies in Dead Island 2, Slobbers are among the most frustrating. Their ability to belch gross caustic acid or even fire can be overwhelming if you aren’t ready. These grotesque zombies replaced the previous games’ floaters and serve a similar purpose. They’re slow and massive, but can deal incredible amounts of damage that can overwhelm you. It’s even worse if you encounter a group of these zombies simultaneously. Thankfully, they’re easy enough to defeat if you come prepared.
While Slobbers’ ability to spew ranged damage at slayers is deadly and worse in groups, you can take them down in Dead Island 2 without too much trouble.
The longer you’re far away from this particular Apex Zombie, the harder the fight can be. If it spits up oil or fire, it’s inevitably going to set you on fire. The traditional Slobbers just spit blobs of caustic damage, which also has a dangerous DOT (damage over time) effect that you need to tend to. It can be an unfortunate way to waste med kits in Dead Island 2.
In addition to spitting precise shots at Slayers in Dead Island 2, they can also belch down a lengthy puddle of acid or oil in front of themselves. With that in mind, you must be careful where you move to avoid accidentally take extra damage.
However, the best way to deal with Slobbers in Dead Island 2 is to get right up in melee range. Once someone’s in melee range, they stop spitting and swing at them with punches and strikes instead. This zombie is pretty slow in melee combat, so getting out of the way is easy.
Running around them in circles and striking repeatedly is recommended. This helps to quickly take them out without receiving a single point of damage. If it’s an oil variant, bring a fiery weapon if possible.