Vinland Saga centered around the pivotal character Thorfinn and his thirst for revenge against Askeladd, his father's murderer. The adventure series was one of Wit Studio's most well-known series, and aired in July 2019. However, new information suggests that the studio may not be in charge of the adaptation anymore.
Wit Studio's production of Vineland Saga was considered by many to be a success. But new information from director Shuhei Yabuta confirmed that MAPPA will be taking over for the second season of the series. The manga was considered to have been well adapted by Wit Studio in the first season, allowing viewers to experience the show’s historically-tinged narrative.
Vinland Saga Season 2 Confirmed With An Adventure-Filled Trailer
Rumors regarding the possible studio change have been circulating on Twitter and other social media platforms with no official confirmation for proper verification. Finally, official information from the relevant sources, Makoto Yukimura, the manga author, and Shuhei Yabuta, the series director, who discussed with fans on Twitter space, confirmed the studio change news and revealed further details on the series.
The director and mangaka also commented that despite the studio change, the original staff in charge of the first season's production will still handle the second season. Consequently, there will be little to no changes in the animation quality, unlike the Attack on Titan: Shingeki no Kyojin saga, where the Final Season presented a drastic change in the animation style. The duo also revealed that the studio is presently working on the second season's trailer, so a trailer release is expected soon, probably in the next few months. Furthermore, they also mentioned that the cast are