It's time for another day of Wordle, folks. Today is May 17 and today's word is a hard one to place. Not due to the fact that the world is significantly difficult, but due to the fact that I can't really place exactly where you would have all seen and heard it except in common dialogue throughout every game ever probably. Yeah, today we've got one of those words.
Have you tried today's Wordle? It tripped me up when I got to the middle section before anything else, and I put at least one very unfortunate guess in there because of that. We don't need to talk about that, though; instead, you should be thinking of your vowels and how they often come in pairs that you should be mindful of when you're inputting guesses!
As an example of that, why don't you all check out our list of some of the best starting words so that you can get a handle on what those pairs might be going into today's puzzle.
Today's answer will as always be found by scrolling down below the hints, but I'm going to do you all and myself a favor with these hints because, frankly, today's word is missing from the titles of most games, studios, mechanics, etc.
Have you gotten today's Wordle yet? If not, no worries, I've got you. Today's Wordle is…being. Crypto would probably call a human a being (or maybe something cruder), and the object of my nightmares has been the Greendale Human Being for quite some time now. That's all for today, but be sure to check tomorrow for another round of Wordle hints!