Netflix’s Tick, Tick...Boom! is a true story that adapts the semi-autobiographical musical by Jonathan Larson, with many aspects being accurate to his real life and future success with Rent. The movie, directed by Hamilton’s Lin-Manuel Miranda, follows Jonathan Larson (Andrew Garfield) as he reaches his 30th birthday, feeling the pressure of time running too quickly without a produced musical. While feeling the rejection of his unsold Superbia musical, Jon’s creative ambition also takes a toll on his relationships with his girlfriend Susan (Alexandra Shipp) and best friend Michael (Robin de Jesús).
Tick, Tick...Boom! is based on a real-life rock monologue originally written and performed by Jonathan Larson in 1992, telling the story of his creative struggle in 1990, six years before his musical Rent could become one of the most influential works in Broadway history. Following Larson’s unexpected death in 1996, the rock monologue was turned into its own musical, with some of Tick, Tick… Boom!'s songs coming from past works like Superbia. Premiering Off-Broadway in 2001, Tick, Tick… Boom! developed a significant reputation for its poignancy, detailing Larson’s conflicted journey of artistry before writing Rent, a musical he would sadly never get to see on the Broadway stage.
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Considering Netflix’s Tick, Tick...Boom!'s true story is an adaptation of the semi-autobiographical musical and not a specific biography of Larson, there are several changes or omitted important moments from his real life. As said at the beginning of the movie, the events portrayed in Tick, Tick...Boom! are a true story, aside from the moments that Jon made up. While painting a