This War of Mine takes a dark point of view where players will have to navigate a war zone from a civilian’s perspective. Surviving isn’t easy when food is hard to come by, and people fight each other with a “us or them” mentality. While playing This War of Mine, players have to scavenge for any leftover resources from places that have been abandoned.
Most Brutal Survival Games
If a character dies, it can have a great impact on the household, most notably a large drop in their moods. Will this in mind, players will want to avoid dying as much as possible, so knowing how to save and load in This War of Mine will be handy knowledge.
There is no manual save and load button in This War of Mine. The game is automatically saved when the day changes, so if players wish to reload the previous day, they should close the game before it saves at night. Otherwise, people will be stuck with a game file they don’t wish to keep.
While this feature may be catastrophic in some cases, it’s actually good in some scenarios. Because the game is saved as the day switch, the rest of the day can constantly change. So if the camp got looted at the start of the day, or if someone got sick or wounded, players can reload the day to get a different outcome. Doing this can be really useful if people can’t afford ill or wounded characters.
This trick can also be done to recruit a character with the most useful skills in This War of Mine. This includes people like:
If someone knocks on the door, and it’s not the person players wish to join their household, then, again, they can simply reload the day to change the outcome.
Since being killed is likely the biggest reason why players would want to restart a day, then instead of attempting to save and load, it’s