There’s a new My Nintendo Kirby promo in town, and it’s just like all those old seek and finds. Remember those?
The gist is that you flip through a hub website for a big first party Nintendo game, find all of the items (in this case, five), and you’ll get 100 Platinum Points to spend on stuff. This time around it’s for Kirby and the Forgotten Land, and you can find all the links below (just make sure you’re signed in at the top right).
Also, there’s a code at the end once you’ve found everything. We have it here (along with all the other codes), but just in case, it’s “KIRBYMICROSITE.”
As a reminder, you can find our full Platinum Point guide here, which has been updated with details on weekly missions: bookmark it for when you need quick points for a reward. A handful of points is incredibly easy to get, as that’s basically just 15 minutes with Super Mario Run, or a quick sign-on to the 3DS or Wii U 3Shop. Also remember that any shipments are bundled together, so you can pay a flat rate for multiple items instead of paying it each time. Just know that items go out of stock on My Nintendo frequently, and some are never restocked.