As the events of The Quarry unfold, six years have passed since the big fire accident that freed Silas, the Dog Boy, from his cage. This character is the main antagonist in the story, the White Werewolf who's responsible for all the curses in the area. Many tragedies start to occur ever since the fire broke out, leaving the Hacketts no choice but to pursue the White Werewolf once and for all.
The family has been hunting Silas for many years, but never managed to slay him. As players journey through the story, though, the protagonists can have the chance to kill the White Werewolf and free all the victims. But for that, they'll need to follow several steps in different chapters. Here's what people need to do to kill Silas in The Quarry.
The Quarry: How To Kill Everyone And Get The Worst Ending
To kill Silas in The Quarry, players have to follow specific steps in Chapters 7, 9, and 10. Successfully doing this will reward the White Wolf Achievement.
In Chapter seven, Travis locks Laura and Max in the police station. Here, players get to explore the station after Laura witnesses Max’s transformation.
On the second floor in the last room, there is a tranquilizing syringe that can be found inside one of the cabinets. Hide it in Laura’s cell behind the loose brick.
After a while, Laura pretends to be sick and Travis comes to check on her. Complete the QTEs quickly to use the syringe on him and knock him out.
Alternative method: If players couldn’t find the syringe, complete the QTEs successfully when Laura is sick to grab the gun and dodge Travis. Next, pick the APOLOGETIC dialogue option, so can Laura leaves Travis unharmed.
In chapter nine, Ryan will be suffering from blood loss due to a stab wound caused by Bobby. When Laura offers